Why all financial markets will crash It’s all about credit. Demand to fund rising government deficits and keep zombie corporations alive wil...

Why all financial markets will crash It’s all about credit. Demand to fund rising government deficits and keep zombie corporations alive wil...
Houston, We Have a Bubble Problem Doug Nolan Aged. Unhealthy and deeply unsound. Worryingly unstable. Many voice serious concerns in priv...
Gold and underlying physical demand Gold is rising to challenge all-time highs, with Open Interest on Comex soaring faster than ever seen be...
Glazyev’s take on things and WW3 “The west declared a war against us… And now we are going to distribute nuclear weapons to anyone who can u...
The folly of the pro-Trump plutocrats Many business leaders dismiss fears of a return of the former president to the White House — they are ...
It’s Time for the Fed to End the Waiting Game There is no longer any good reason to delay cutting rates By Aaron Back Warnings keep coming f...