DEBT SLAVERY + FAKE MONEY = FINAL COLLAPSE by Egon von Greyerz . Over the last 150 years, the West has gone from human slavery t...

DEBT SLAVERY + FAKE MONEY = FINAL COLLAPSE by Egon von Greyerz . Over the last 150 years, the West has gone from human slavery t...
Hot Summer Mailbag Perhaps the best part of being a writer is the chance to interact with readers. I can’t tell you how much I’ve learn...
How to Reduce Germany’s Surplus Hans-Werner Sinn . MUNICH – The Economist was right when it recently reported that Germany’s curre...
Sentiment Speaks: The Market Got It Wrong - Again? by: Avi Gilburt Summary - Recent price action. - Anecdotal and other sentime...
Money Is Money, Wherever It Comes From One of the crucial things to understand about today’s world is that money is fungible. Wheth...
Credit default swaps: a $10tn market that leaves few happy Owners of contracts designed to insure against default frequently find th...