domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2022

domingo, diciembre 04, 2022

Democrats will have to balance rhetoric and reality post-midterms

Appealing to both domestic labour and foreign allies will be tougher for US politicians

Rana Foroohar 

© Matt Kenyon

Every country has its domestic politics, and its foreign policy. 

Sometimes they are in sync. 

Other times they are not. 

Either way, it can be hard for outsiders to understand messages crafted for those on the inside. 

In the US, the results of the midterm elections, while not the “red tsunami” of Trumpism that many had feared, will nonetheless make the divide between politics and real policy even harder for non-Americans to either fathom or stomach.

Republicans appear to have won the House of Representatives, while Democrats have just taken the Senate (thankfully things won’t come down to a runoff in Georgia between the incumbent Democrat Raphael Warnock in Georgia and his opponent, Trump-backed former American football running-back Herschel Walker). 

But the unusually tight elections have put Democrats back in the 2024 presidential game in a way that will make it hard for them to cater to both domestic and foreign interests at once.

Republicans will now turn even more of their vitriol on Joe Biden, aiming to make him look weak, criticising his handling of the economy, critiquing the chaos of his pullout from Afghanistan (which was, let’s be honest, never going to be easy for whichever president had to do it), and perhaps also refusing to sign off on more support for Ukraine. 

This will in turn upset European allies, who are already miffed about things like not being included in the US electric vehicle subsidies enjoyed by Canadians.

To be clear, the European subsidy complaints are both unfair and ill-timed. 

The EU does plenty of its own subsidising of important industries. 

And in some cases it should; we need redundancy of supply at an international level for things like semiconductors, crucial commodities, clean technology and various other strategic goods and services.

But German auto tariffs are far higher than those in America, and the US is currently running a major trade deficit with the EU and in particular with Germany. 

Whether or not you believe such deficits are important economically, they carry a large weight in US politics (particularly post-Donald Trump), and Republicans will pounce on Biden if he makes concessions here to the EU.

That doesn’t mean that there is no room for better economic relations between the two blocks. 

Europe looks at things like “Buy America” (which is really “Buy America and 60 other nations with which the US has trade pacts”), and often sees Maga policies, not just domestic politics. 

In fact, the Biden White House deeply understands that it has to work with allies on things like climate change, energy, supply chain resiliency and so on. 

It should say this more clearly, and more often. 

But Europeans haven’t been very creative or aggressive about horse-trading, and have resisted coming on board with things like the US high-end chip ban, in large part because Germany is still hedging its bets between the US and China.

In the US, however, decoupling is a completely bipartisan issue. 

On Tuesday, the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, which is made up of members appointed by both minority and majority leaders in Congress, will put out its annual report. 

It is likely to be more hawkish about decoupling than in the past, with calls for more reviews of dual use technologies and export limitations, and a greater focus on cross-border capital flows. 

There will be little disagreement between the two parties on all this.

While there are still some people in the White House who feel the US has done enough on decoupling, there is very little room politically for Democrats to take a softer stance on China.

The midterms showed us once again how the party has lost some of its traditional base of working people. 

That failure has become an existential issue for labour leaders, who won’t shy away from speaking out against Biden if he looks soft on China or seems sympathetic to EU calls to back away from more domestic manufacturing.

There’s nothing wrong with regional economic hubs, rather than long global supply chains. 

But I’m worried that Democrats will be pushed, unwillingly, into a more contentious rhetoric towards China. 

Look at the Ohio midterm election, which was won by Hillbilly Elegy author JD Vance, a Donald Trump supporter backed by Peter Thiel (who, like the former president, is hardly a man of the people). 

Tim Ryan, Vance’s Democratic opponent, had thoughtful policies about re-industrialisation and what might be done at home to support more localisation of jobs. 

But Vance had a more belligerent attitude. 

Some people want that fighting tone.

There’s politics, and then there are policies. 

Republicans have plenty of slogans, but no real solutions to help address the big self-imposed wounds that are holding America back from improving its competitiveness in a decoupling world. 

These include a failure to reform and improve secondary and college education for the 21st century (all the tariffs in the world won’t help if we don’t have a better-trained labour force), and to undertake serious campaign finance reform. 

In the US system, unlike the Chinese one, companies all too often craft the rules of legislation to their own liking.

Post-midterms, I hope Americans remember that competitiveness begins at home, and that allies remember that political rhetoric doesn’t always equate to reality.


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