viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

viernes, agosto 10, 2012

August 9, 2012 7:26 pm

Environment: The end of the line

There is a photo from the 1930s, published in National Geographic magazine, that shows a scene almost unimaginable today.

A man stands in the sea, water up to his knees, surrounded by a frenzied shoal of huge, thrashing totoaba fish on a spawning run off the coast of Mexico.

Click to enlarge
“They were so thick in the water that you could wade in and pull them out with bare hands or a pitchfork,” says the prominent marine conservation biologist, Callum Roberts.

Not any more. Commercial fishers started netting the creatures, which could grow as long as 2m and weigh more than 330 lbs. Dams such as the Hoover were built along the Colorado River, curbing vital freshwater flows to breeding grounds.

Today, the totoaba is one of 414 species rated critically endangered on the Red List, the compendium of threatened plants and animals kept by the venerable International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Another 486 fish are endangered; 1,141 are vulnerable and 60 are extinct, mostly thanks to the same species that killed off the totoaba: us.

The human impact on fish has been worrying scientists and environmental campaigners for decades.

But it has also become an increasingly disturbing economic issue for authorities overseeing the fate of the 90m tonnes of marine and freshwater fish the world’s 4.36m fishing boats catch each year, with their estimated value of $100bn.

This was evident a few weeks ago, when the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation published its latest State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture report, a comprehensive assessment it has done since 1994.

For the most part, the organisation said pretty much what it has said since 1994: too many countries have too many fishing boats doing too good a job.

This year it added that the manytroublinganalyses of global fisheries suggested an “over-stressedsystemin imminent danger of collapse”.

“I think probably we’re using stronger language now because we have been saying a lot of the same things very gently for quite a while, and maybe having less impact than is required,” said Richard Grainger, chief of the statistics and information service in the FAO’s fisheries and aquaculture department.

The collapse mentioned in the report refers primarily to economic rather than biological extinction, he added, meaning stocks could decline to the point it no longer pays to fish for them. But both prospects are disconcerting.

Galapagos Damsel CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: This fish lived around the Galapagos Islands, but has not been seen since nearby seas warmed in 1982-83 during an intense El Nino period – an event some scientists say is happening more often in that part of the world because of climate change. That could make the damsel the first to become extinct because of global warming.

Galápagos Damsel
CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: This fish lived around the Galápagos Islands but has not been seen since the seas there warmed in 1982-83 during an intense El Niño period – an event some scientists say is happening more often in that part of the world because of climate change. That could make the damsel the first fish species to become extinct because of global warming.
Basking shark VULNERABLE: The world’s second biggest shark, after the whale shark, this huge, filter-feeding creature has been heavily protected for years but is still deemed under threat because it is so slow to mature and reportedly still hunted illegally

Basking shark
VULNERABLE: The world’s second biggest shark, after the whale shark, this huge, filter-feeding creature has been heavily protected for years but is still deemed under threat because it is so slow to mature and reportedly still hunted illegally
Beluga Sturgeon CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Its caviar is considered among the world’s finest but over-fishing and loss of breeding grounds has seen its numbers fall by as much as 90 per cent in 30 years, despite trade quotas and other restrictions.

Beluga sturgeon
CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Its caviar is considered among the world’s finest but over-fishing and loss of breeding grounds has seen its numbers fall by as much as 90 per cent in 30 years, despite trade quotas and other restrictions.
Blue Marlin VULNERABLE: One of the world’s most prized blue-water game fish, the marlin is often an incidental catch of longliners. Its declining numbers have led some anglers to release it after it is caught, but conservation groups say it needs more protection.

Blue marlin
VULNERABLE: One of the world’s most prized blue-water game fish, the marlin is often an incidental catch of longliners. Its declining numbers have led some anglers to release it after it is caught but conservation groups say it needs more protection.
Blue Whale ENDANGERED: The largest animal in the world was nearly wiped out by whaling but has been protected worldwide since 1966. Its population is believed to be increasing but it is still regarded as under threat

Blue whale
ENDANGERED: The largest animal in the world was nearly wiped out by whaling but has been protected worldwide since 1966. Its population is believed to be increasing but it is still regarded as under threat.
Southern Bluefin Tuna CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Prized by sushi lovers and known as the Porsche of the sea because it can reach speeds of up to 70km/hour and travel vast distances, bluefin numbers have plummeted since the 1950s, prompting widespread calls for more protection.

Southern bluefin Tuna
CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Prized by sushi lovers and known as the Porsche of the sea because it can reach speeds of up to 70km/hour and travel vast distances, bluefin numbers have plummeted since the 1950s, prompting widespread calls for more protection.
Baiji CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: This freshwater dolphin, nicknamed “Goddess of the Yangtze”, thrived in China’s Yangtze River until ship traffic, over-fishing and pollution made it what appears to be the first cetacean humans have driven to extinction. There have been no documented sighting since 2002.

CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: This freshwater dolphin, nicknamed “Goddess of the Yangtze”, thrived until ship traffic, over-fishing and pollution made it what appears to be the first cetacean humans have driven to extinction. There have been no documented sighting since 2002.
Common Skate CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: As its name implies, this fish was once abundant across north-western Europe but it has disappeared from many areas, because of commercial fishing, researchers say.

Common skate
CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: As its name implies, this fish was once abundant across north-western Europe but it has disappeared from many areas because of commercial fishing, researchers say.
European Eel CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Numbers of this popular freshwater treat have fallen by an estimated 90 per cent since the early 1980s. It is not known precisely why, but over-fishing is considered a prime suspect.

European eel
CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Numbers of this popular freshwater treat have fallen by an estimated 90 per cent since the early 1980s. It is not known precisely why, but over-fishing is considered a prime suspect.

Atlantic Goliath Grouper CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Numbers of this slow-moving giant, which can weigh up to 800 pounds, have fallen an estimated 80 per cent in 40 years. Despite fishing bans in the US and Brazil since 1990, researchers say their recovery is not assured.
Atlantic Goliath Grouper CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Numbers of this slow-moving giant, which can weigh up to 800 pounds, have fallen an estimated 80 per cent in 40 years. Despite fishing bans in the US and Brazil since 1990, researchers say their recovery is not assured.
Scalloped Hammerhead ENDANGERED: The Hammerhead’s curious appearance makes it one of the world’s best known sharks. But the high value of its fins and its tendency to get caught up in fishing gear has seen numbers plummet as much as 90 per cent in some areas.

Scalloped hammerhead
ENDANGERED: The hammerhead’s curious appearance makes it one of the world’s best known sharks. But the high value of its fins and its tendency to get caught up in fishing gear has seen numbers plummet as much as 90 per cent in some areas over three decades.
Wide Sawfish CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Once common in many parts of the world, the distinctive tooth-studded saw on this fish has made it vulnerable to getting tangled in nets, and it now seems to be extinct in regions such as the Mediterranean.

Wide sawfish
CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Once common in many parts of the world, the distinctive tooth-studded saw on this fish has made it vulnerable to getting tangled in nets, and it now seems to be extinct in regions such as the...

Mediterranean Vaquita
CRITICALLY ENDANGERED: Since the apparent extinction of China’s baiji dolphin, this Gulf of California porpoise is now regarded as the world's most critically endangered cetacean species. Its biggest threat: getting caught up in gillnets.
Whale Shark VULNERABLE: The world’s largest living fish is harmless, docile, slow and valuable. Its massive fins have fetched more than $10,000 in Asia, and it is still hunted in some regions even though it is classed as threatened and protected in many countries.

Whale shark
VULNERABLE: The world’s largest living fish is harmless, docile, slow and valuable. Its massive fins have fetched more than $10,000 in Asia and it is still hunted in some regions even though it is classed as threatened and protected in many countries.
Whitetip Shark VULNERABLE: This once abundant shark can be lethally dangerous to humans, and vice versa. Often caught as bycatch, its fins are also sought for shark fin soup and it is deemed critically endangered in some areas because of the sharp decline in its numbers.

Whitetip shark
VULNERABLE: This once abundant shark can be lethally dangerous to humans, and vice versa. Often caught as bycatch, its fins are also sought for shark fin soup and it is deemed critically endangered in some areas because of the sharp decline in its numbers.

Boats powered by bigger engines and laden with more sophisticated fish-finding gear have left nearly a third of marine stocks over-exploited, and 57 per cent fully exploited, meaning they are at or very close to sustainable production levels.

Efforts to cut fleet capacity have taken hold in Europe and elsewhere. They even worked for a time in China but have faded since 2008. In many countries, politicians remain understandably reluctant to adopt a policy that cuts jobs and induces costly compensation payments.

This is bad news for the world’s poorest people, who rely on fish for nearly a quarter of their animal protein, though rising fish farm production helps.

Nor is it good for big-bodied sea creatures such as the shark, ray and skate species that reproduce relatively infrequently. It is hard for their numbers to recover once they start falling.

And fall they have, some by as much as 90 per cent since the 1960s.

Some species, such as the bluefin tuna prized by sushi lovers, face a vicious circle: over-fishing makes them rarer, which forces up prices (one fish sold for a reported record $736,000 in Tokyo this year), which in turn spurs more fishing and the illegal catches that plague many fish stocks.

Then there is global warming. One fish, the Galápagos damsel, may have achieved the distinction of becoming “the first fish species to become extinct because of climate change”, says American IUCN researcher Beth Polidoro.

It is not as if nothing is being done.

Supermarkets and restaurants are increasingly buying fish meeting sustainable standards set by certification bodies such as the Marine Stewardship Council.

Many countries have introduced marine reserves off their coasts that allow species to recover.
But not much more than 1 per cent of the world’s seas are protected, compared with nearly 15 per cent of the land areas. And some scientists fear the extinction threat is even higher for freshwater creatures unable to swim off to another ocean to avoid the impact of a new dam or factory waste dumped in a river.

There are still lots of fish in the sea and the rivers. Just not as many of the ones we know best, from the basking shark to the beluga sturgeon. And if current trends continue, many more seem likely to share their decline.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2012.


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